Saturday, 15 February 2020

Personal report of Development and Organisation sub committee of UNISON NEC 22nd January 2020

The strategic organising update included an update on potential resource centres which are being considered in Bedford/Luton, Chelmsford, Aberdeen and Liverpool which will if approved assist servicing and organising members in those wider locations.

Final recruitment figures for 2019 were finally out. We had ended 2019 in growth. 

John Jones, UNISON North West and Water, Environment and Transport Service Group NEC rep  was thanked for providing his employer’s jointly agreed policy on the menopause as being best practice which is now being used in UNISON training courses.

A useful film show presentation was made by the North West Region on branch structures. A comprehensive update was given on UNISON’s reasonable adjustments passport which generally has gone down well following its trial within the 4 National Self Organised Groups and we agreed to extend the trial to other national committees including the NEC with a review in 6 months-time and possibly as a next step to Conferences.

187 data protection breaches were reported in 2019, 62 re the wrong recipient, 42 as a confidentiality breach, 38 didn’t use bcc, 14 re incorrect documents or attachments, 13 in respect of lost items or documents, 2 re stolen items or documents and 6 with no consent leaving 10 as “other”.

Draft NEC motions to 2020 conference were agreed with amendments on “growing activism in the union” and “combatting the rise of discrimination through activist training”.

A lot more contentious were suggested rule amendments, the latter of which I opposed on “categories of membership” and “suspensions”.

Branches under regional supervision didn’t include any North West branches.

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