Sunday, 4 October 2020

Personal report of the UNISON NEC Development and Organisation sub committee September 2020

The meeting lasted about 50 minutes. We were asked to raise the hand up flag on Teams if we wished to speak. There was some discussion about us making sure we avoided having a democratic deficit under  current conditions - about whether we needed more frequent, shorter meetings versus having them longer with more breaks. It was unlikely there would be any physical meetings this side of the New Year. No conclusion was drawn. The Chair of D&O would take this up with the Presidential team. 

Online Stewards and Health and Safety Reps courses are being run in Regions generally via local colleges.

495 Stewards have been trained to date this year compared to 1139 in the same period last year.

108 Health & Safety Reps have been trained in the same period compared to 238 last time round.

21 Union Learner Reps have been trained compared to 67 last year.

182 Reps have achieved ERA accreditation versus 486 in 2019 to date.

368 have undertaken advanced skills training compared to 630 in the previous year to date.

569 members have undertaken other training this year generally around Covid 19.

1381 members have done some form of learning compared to 1840 last year to date.

2399 members have done skills academy training this year.

RMS/WARMS update - We were reducing dependence on paper. Using email was projected to save £100,000. It was stated that the process of collecting arrears from members had changed. More members had been retained in membership with consequently more subs collected. 

It was agreed new activists are required to complete a GDPR (General Data Protection regulations) e-note within 3 months. Support would be given. 

An NEC member asked if branches in Regional supervision be allowed to make nominations for NEC/General Secretary.

The Chair thought yes. An officer said yes depending on the type of supervision. The Region might supervise the meeting. 

The procedures for the NEC (National Executive Council) elections 2021 would be discussed at the next meeting.


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